Adam Hochschild

Adam Hochschild is the author of eight books, including, most recently, Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War: 1936–1939.

For Richer, For Poorer

A Jewish immigrant married a Gilded Age scion. They worked together for social justice until they didn’t.

By Adam Hochschild | Monday March 2, 2020

Wave of Anguish

Could disobedience have saved a group of Japanese students?

By Adam Hochschild | Tuesday September 5, 2017

A New Heaven and a New Earth

During the Spanish Civil War, an alternative vision of society briefly flourished in Barcelona

By Adam Hochschild | Monday February 29, 2016

‘I Tried to Stop the Bloody Thing’

In World War I, nearly as many British men refused the draft—20,000—as were killed on the Somme’s first day. Why were those who fought for peace forgotten?

By Adam Hochschild | Wednesday March 2, 2011

For Richer, For Poorer

By Adam Hochschild | Monday March 2, 2020

Wave of Anguish

By Adam Hochschild | Tuesday September 5, 2017

A New Heaven and a New Earth

By Adam Hochschild | Monday February 29, 2016


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