Dana Gioia

Dana Gioia is the poet laureate of California and the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. He studied with Elizabeth Bishop at Harvard.

A cruise ship at dock in a beautiful bay

Journey to Nowhere

A very short excerpt from a poem-in-progress

By Dana Gioia | Monday June 3, 2019

Back From Oblivion

A writer who refused to live in a world robbed of meaning

By Dana Gioia | Monday June 5, 2017

“Time to Plant Tears”

An intimate biography of one of the 20th century’s great poets

By Dana Gioia | Monday March 6, 2017
A cruise ship at dock in a beautiful bay

Journey to Nowhere

By Dana Gioia | Monday June 3, 2019

Back From Oblivion

By Dana Gioia | Monday June 5, 2017

“Time to Plant Tears”

By Dana Gioia | Monday March 6, 2017


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