Jeremy Bernstein

Jeremy Bernstein is the author of a number of books, including Nuclear Weapons: What You Need to Know and a collection of essays titled Physicists on Wall Street. His most recent book is A Palette of Particles.

Watcher of the Skies

A tribute to Stephen Hawking

By Jeremy Bernstein | Wednesday March 14, 2018

Don’t Back Into Things

By Jeremy Bernstein | Monday October 20, 2014

A Song for Molly

In which I tell how I fell hard for a dog, why I have problems with women, and what I know about Ludwig Wittgenstein

By Jeremy Bernstein | Friday December 7, 2012

Who Was Hall?

And just what was his connection to hedgehogs?

By Jeremy Bernstein | Sunday March 1, 2009

The Grasshopper and His Space Odyssey

A scientist remembers the celebrated science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke

By Jeremy Bernstein | Sunday June 1, 2008

The Crooner and the Physicist

Jacques Brel and The New Yorker profile that never reached critical mass

By Jeremy Bernstein | Wednesday December 1, 2004

Watcher of the Skies

By Jeremy Bernstein | Wednesday March 14, 2018

Don’t Back Into Things

By Jeremy Bernstein | Monday October 20, 2014

A Song for Molly

By Jeremy Bernstein | Friday December 7, 2012

Who Was Hall?

By Jeremy Bernstein | Sunday March 1, 2009

The Crooner and the Physicist

By Jeremy Bernstein | Wednesday December 1, 2004


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