Matthew Dallek

Matthew Dallek is an associate academic director at the University of California Washington Center. He is at work on a book about the Roosevelt administration and the politics and policy of civilian defense in World War II.

The Moderate

Was Ike a great president?

By Matthew Dallek | Thursday March 1, 2012

“You’re Going to Live a Long Life”

A cancer survivor and writer says the “cancer community” lacks a cohesive political movement

By Matthew Dallek | Monday June 15, 2009

Not Ready for Mt. Rushmore

Reconciling the myth of Ronald Reagan with the reality

By Matthew Dallek | Monday June 1, 2009

The Moderate

By Matthew Dallek | Thursday March 1, 2012

Not Ready for Mt. Rushmore

By Matthew Dallek | Monday June 1, 2009


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