Susannah Rutherglen

Susannah Rutherglen is a graduate student in art history at Princeton University.

Art in the Time of War

A prescient and courageous few safeguarded Italy’s patrimony

By Susannah Rutherglen | Tuesday September 1, 2009

Repatriating Art

A museum director examines the controversy over whether nations own their cultural artifacts

By Susannah Rutherglen | Sunday June 1, 2008

The Sack of Baghdad

The U.S. invasion of Iraq has turned cultural icons into loot and archaeological sites into ruins

By Susannah Rutherglen | Thursday June 1, 2006

Principally to Delight

Who says that museum-going isn’t a leisure activity?

By Susannah Rutherglen | Wednesday June 1, 2005

Art in the Time of War

By Susannah Rutherglen | Tuesday September 1, 2009

Repatriating Art

By Susannah Rutherglen | Sunday June 1, 2008

The Sack of Baghdad

By Susannah Rutherglen | Thursday June 1, 2006

Principally to Delight

By Susannah Rutherglen | Wednesday June 1, 2005


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