Memories of Jazz Nights

You needed stamina, but the payoff was great

Sadness, Irony, and Equilibrium

When art turns blue

Liking La La Land and Jackie

The perversity of appreciation

The Big Schlep

Trapped in a world of women (and cats)

The Complex Art of Second-Guessing

Maybe the mistakes weren’t Hillary’s, after all


The power of disapproval

The Agnes Martin Retrospective

What to make of all those fussy graphite lines?

Skyping Brazil

On the pleasure of a virtual dissertation defense

The Paradox of Urban Density

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Reflections after the Election

Counting the worry beads

Tennis, Anyone?

Obsession and regression

Memories of Jazz Nights

You needed stamina, but the payoff was great

Valentines Past

If only I’d had the nerve …

On the Death of Friendship

Nothing lasts forever

On Keeping a Blog

A Farewell

A Visit to Harvard

And a surprise encounter with Dr. Johnson

Remembering Cynthia Macdonald

Poet, teacher, opera singer, psychoanalyst, and friend

Marrying a Widow

Or, my spectral predecessor

Baldwin the Prophet vs. Baldwin the Writer

Can a film really capture the essence of both?

Listening to Dinah

The complexity of “Don’t Explain”


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