Laura S. Lewis

Welding trash into treasure

Bastienne Schmidt

The fabric of life

Lior Modan

Sculpting shadow

Hope Gangloff

Branching out

Kate Jarvik Birch

Finding beauty in the mundane

Fawn Rogers

“Create or die”

Julia Powell


Allison McIntyre

Wildlife, on camera

Tammy West

Climate grief (without despair)

Adrian Kay Wong

Overlooked moments

Rhonda Brown

Portraits, Past and Present

Terence Nicholson

Exploring Exploration

Victoria van der Laan

Creating New Patterns

Jo Bertini

Desert Song

Hannah Knox

This is Not a Shirt

Mimi Jung

Defense Mechanisms

Samantha Bittman

Flipping the Script (or Loom)

Ann Provan

Where the Staircase Ends

Carolyn Salas

Woman, Transcendent

Janine Brown

Emptiness and Form


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