Repetition, Truth

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

Christmas Day

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

Do Not Kill

The first report in our new Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

You Make Us Soft

The last report in our Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

Long Distance

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”


From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

Old Ink

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

The Theorist

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”


From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

The Cook

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

Target Practice

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”

A Moment Alone

From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”


From our continuing Afghanistan series, “Snapshots of a Fading War”


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