Remembering Steve

A tribute to my friend Stephen Jay Gould

Till We Meet Again

And thanks for dropping by

How Mauve Was Her Garment

The effect of coal tar on Queen Victoria’s gown


How the sixth planet from the sun is like a rubber duck

Darwin’s Finches

In the Galápagos, a speed course on evolution

Our Artful Brain

What it takes to take in, say, a Picasso

How Flowers Changed the World

They still do, every spring

My Father

Those Other Ancestors

Neandertals were big, with bigger intellects than you might think

Our National Raptor

The bald eagle makes a big impression, but its voice is small

Wake to Sleep

What happens in the brain when we drift off to dreamland


As our twin turns

Here, Kitty Kitty

For I will consider my cats Frisky, Buster, Snuffy, etc.

Remembering Steve

A tribute to my friend Stephen Jay Gould

Waste Not

Ants in Your Pants

Bugs’ Eyes and Our Eyes

My Week in the Woods


Going Viral


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