To recap: for this week, we asked for a line that must end with a polysyllable such as “biology,” “faker,” “candidate,” “smart phone.” Options: the line can begin with a participle (“-ing”) or not; it can name a movie—or not.
The winning line is Angela Ball’s
You nosh on a slab of good-for-you chocolate, a victory for Woody.
Second place goes to Elizabeth Solsburg for
Wondering if you can join Jeff Daniels in the world of black-and-white
Elizabeth also deserves credit for this nominee:
Imagining Jeff Daniels might escape through your television
Kudos to Paul Michelsen, who liked both Angela’s line and Elizabeth’s “Wondering,” and so combined them:
You nosh on a slab of good-for-you chocolate, in the world of black and white
Paul also came up with this worthy candidate:
Thinking about forcing yourself out to see Café Society, surrounded by Philistines,
So here’s where we are:
Lucky You
Watching [The] Purple Rose of Cairo on the Independent Film Channel
You’re freed from all that’s tawdry, dull and real by using your control panel.You nosh on a slab of good-for-you chocolate, a victory for Woody.
Now we need a rhyming line to complete stanza two of our poem in rhyming couplets. I’ll make it more specific: the line must end with “moody” or “hoodie.”
Let’s see how far we can take this idea. Great thanks to all participants.
Deadline: Saturday July 23, midnight any time zone.