“A Bird, came down the Walk” by Emily Dickinson
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Sonnet 14” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Wait” by Galway Kinnell
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Pangur Bán” by Anonymous
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Messiah” by Gulzar
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“The Swan” by Mary Oliver
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Neutral Tones” by Thomas Hardy
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Wind-Up Doll” by Forugh Farrokhzad
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Sonnet” by Elizabeth Bishop
Poems read aloud, beautifully
“Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven” by W. B. Yeats
Poems read aloud, beautifully