Anne P. Beatty

Anne P. Beatty lives in Greensboro, North Carolina. Names in this article have been changed. She wrote "Survival Skills at a School in LA" for the Winter 2013 issue of the Scholar.


Required Reading

Sometimes teachers need to reach beyond the canon

By Anne P. Beatty | Tuesday September 3, 2019

When Teachers Strike

Yes, strikes cause upheaval. But for some schools, upheaval is already the norm.

By Anne P. Beatty | Tuesday January 15, 2019

Survival Skills at a School in LA

Street killings of students are so familiar in South Central that kids practice their own grim rituals

By Anne P. Beatty | Friday December 7, 2012

Required Reading

By Anne P. Beatty | Tuesday September 3, 2019

When Teachers Strike

By Anne P. Beatty | Tuesday January 15, 2019

Survival Skills at a School in LA

By Anne P. Beatty | Friday December 7, 2012


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