Harriet A. Washington

Harriet A. Washington, the author of Infectious Madness: The Surprising Science of How We “Catch” Mental Illness and Medical Apartheid, is a lecturer in bioethics at Columbia University.

The Pathogen of Hate

It’s time we took a medical approach to dealing with a different epidemic

By Harriet A. Washington | Thursday September 1, 2022

The Ethics of Consent

By Harriet A. Washington | Wednesday September 30, 2020

The Well Curve

Tropical diseases are undermining intellectual development in countries with poor health care—and they’re coming here next

By Harriet A. Washington | Monday September 7, 2015

Taking Shots

A powerful plea for vaccination

By Harriet A. Washington | Monday September 8, 2014

Flacking for Big Pharma

Drugmakers don’t just compromise doctors; they also undermine top medical journals and skew medical research

By Harriet A. Washington | Friday June 3, 2011

The Pathogen of Hate

By Harriet A. Washington | Thursday September 1, 2022

The Ethics of Consent

By Harriet A. Washington | Wednesday September 30, 2020

The Well Curve

By Harriet A. Washington | Monday September 7, 2015

Taking Shots

By Harriet A. Washington | Monday September 8, 2014


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