Janet Frank

Janet Frank is a cellist with the National Symphony Orchestra.

Musical Chairs

A veteran cellist with the National Symphony takes a close look at the entrances and exits of world-famous conductors

By Janet Frank | Monday June 10, 2013

Syncopated Clock, Indeed

On Leroy Anderson’s centennial, a defense of the popular composer from an orchestra’s stage

By Janet Frank | Sunday June 1, 2008

When Maestros Were Maestros

Innovator, mentor, tyrant, Leopold Stokowski brought real joy to music making

By Janet Frank | Friday December 1, 2006

Musical Chairs

By Janet Frank | Monday June 10, 2013

Syncopated Clock, Indeed

By Janet Frank | Sunday June 1, 2008

When Maestros Were Maestros

By Janet Frank | Friday December 1, 2006


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