Matthew Denton-Edmundson

Matthew Denton-Edmundson is a writer who divides his time among Florida, Idaho, and rural Virginia. He wrote the cover story on wild ginseng for our Autumn 2022 issue.

The Pain Principle

What if the animal rights movement abandoned its focus on suffering and appealed to a different set of human emotions?

By Matthew Denton-Edmundson | Thursday April 6, 2023

The Root Problem

Harvesting wild ginseng has sustained Appalachian communities for generations—so what will happen when there are no more plants to be found?

By Matthew Denton-Edmundson | Thursday September 1, 2022

The Pain Principle

By Matthew Denton-Edmundson | Thursday April 6, 2023

The Root Problem

By Matthew Denton-Edmundson | Thursday September 1, 2022


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