Michael Sherry

Michael Sherryis the Richard W. Leopold Professor of History at Northwestern University and the author, most recently, of The Punitive Turn in American Life: How the United States Learned to Fight Crime Like a War.

When Ideas Mattered

How “freedom from” became “freedom to”

By Michael Sherry | Tuesday April 20, 2021

Beyond Classification

One writer’s journey into the labyrinth of political and bureaucratic obfuscation

By Michael Sherry | Thursday July 23, 2020

Hail to the Chiefs

Leaders of the last century

By Michael Sherry | Monday December 7, 2015

Our Madness for War

Must we persist in using the military option when it so rarely works?

By Michael Sherry | Wednesday September 1, 2010

When Ideas Mattered

By Michael Sherry | Tuesday April 20, 2021

Beyond Classification

By Michael Sherry | Thursday July 23, 2020

Hail to the Chiefs

By Michael Sherry | Monday December 7, 2015

Our Madness for War

By Michael Sherry | Wednesday September 1, 2010


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