Patricia O’Toole

Patricia O’Toole is a contributing editor of The American Scholar and a professor in the School of the Arts at Columbia University. The author of The Five of Hearts: An Intimate Portrait of Henry Adams and His Friends and When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt after the White House, she is now at work on a book about Woodrow Wilson.

Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday January 12, 2015

An Indictment to Remember

Texas Governor Rick Perry’s recent legal troubles recall those of a distant predecessor

By Patricia O’Toole | Tuesday August 19, 2014

A President Speaks Out on Immigration

In an address to new citizens, Woodrow Wilson spoke of the American dream

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday June 25, 2012

We’ve Occupied This Street Before

Random thoughts (well, not all that random) on wealth and commonwealth

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday November 21, 2011

Barbarian Virtues

When Americans first yearned to transform themselves and save the world

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday June 1, 2009

Another Washington Leak

By Patricia O’Toole | Wednesday December 1, 2004

Findings: Another Washington Leak

By Patricia O’Toole | Wednesday December 1, 2004

Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday January 12, 2015

An Indictment to Remember

By Patricia O’Toole | Tuesday August 19, 2014

Barbarian Virtues

By Patricia O’Toole | Monday June 1, 2009

Another Washington Leak

By Patricia O’Toole | Wednesday December 1, 2004

Findings: Another Washington Leak

By Patricia O’Toole | Wednesday December 1, 2004


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