Richard E. Nicholls

Richard E. Nicholls is a contributing editor of The American Scholar.

The Scientist’s Fresh Eye

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday October 3, 2013

Findings: Privacy Revealed

From the Archives

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday March 1, 2007

THE SCHOLAR AT 75: Postcards from the Past

Pressing questions and persistent vitality

By Richard E. Nicholls | Friday December 1, 2006

Trouble and Glory

How Martin Luther King became the defining figure of his era

By Richard E. Nicholls | Wednesday March 1, 2006

Power to the People

Winning the Revolution did not assure ordinary Americans a role in governing themselves

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday September 1, 2005

The Peculiar Intellectual

In the antebellum South, scholars made serious contributions to their fields, at least until they turned to defending slavery

By Richard E. Nicholls | Wednesday December 1, 2004

The Scientist’s Fresh Eye

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday October 3, 2013

Findings: Privacy Revealed

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday March 1, 2007

Trouble and Glory

By Richard E. Nicholls | Wednesday March 1, 2006

Power to the People

By Richard E. Nicholls | Thursday September 1, 2005

The Peculiar Intellectual

By Richard E. Nicholls | Wednesday December 1, 2004


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