Robin Kirk

Robin Kirk is the faculty co-chair of the Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute and teaches in Duke's department of cultural anthropology. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Best American Travel Writing, among other places. Her fantasy novel, The Bond, was published last year.

Toppled statue of Confederate solider in Durham, North Carolina

Reflections on a Silent Soldier

After the television cameras went away, a North Carolina city debated the future of its toppled Confederate statue

By Robin Kirk | Tuesday September 3, 2019

Letter from Belfast: City of Walls

By Robin Kirk | Thursday August 25, 2011
Toppled statue of Confederate solider in Durham, North Carolina

Reflections on a Silent Soldier

By Robin Kirk | Tuesday September 3, 2019

Letter from Belfast: City of Walls

By Robin Kirk | Thursday August 25, 2011


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