
Next Line, Please

Each week, our readers contribute a new line of verse—or a completed poem—in collaboration with a renowned poet.


A Bold Caravan Departs

The Alphabet as Hero

The Interplay of Voices

The Violet of Roses

Companionable Poems

Your Ghostly Companion

Long Ago, Shortly After …

Long Story Short (But I Could Be Wrong)

Homage to Anna Kamienska

Above the River of Your Longing

Two new prompts

“What a Strange Path”

Three new prompts

“I Have Had My Vision”

Three prompts

In Reprise: Next Line, Please

A new poetry prompt for players new and old


A Valediction, Forbidding Mourning

Poetry Noir

Get Hurt—or Go Back to Work

Chalk outline of a body

Starting With the End

Two rings

The Marriage Equation


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