The Widower’s Lament

After the death of the poet Wendy Barker, her grieving husband turns to the literature of loss

The World at the End of a Line

The grandson of one of American literature’s Lost Generation novelists reflects on his namesake’s love of the sea

The Goddess Complex

A set of revered stone deities was stolen from a temple in northwestern India; their story can tell us much about our current reckoning with antiquities trafficking

Last Rites and Comic Flights

A funeral in a 1984 Japanese film offers moments of slapstick amid the solemnity

The Believer

When nobody would touch Joyce’s manuscript, Sylvia Beach stepped in

Ter Conatus

Reading Joyce in a minor key

Know Me Come Eat With Me

In the world of Ulysses, food turns out to be everything

It Happened One Day in June

Why Ulysses is as vital as ever— compelling, complex, and direct

The Bomb Next Door

Eighty years into the atomic age, U.S. nuclear power reactors have produced several million tons of radioactive waste—and we still have no idea how to dispose of it

The Lions and the San

How could a people survive for thousands of years with so many predators in their midst?

No Harmony in the Heartland

Two small towns in northeast Iowa are caught up in the national struggle over immigration

The Sleeper

In a rural hospital, a patient passes the night without knowing how lucky he is to have avoided death

Whiskey Foxtrot One-One

My father was training to fight a war, but his real battle was with himself

Launching the Greatest Fleet

How American war surplus helped build the world’s most successful merchant marine

This Side of Paradise

Aging has its rewards until it doesn’t. I am ready to contemplate the end but not, yet, to give in to it

Where Did the Love Go?

Half-Century Reflections on 1968

March Madness

Why I Can’t Stand Little Women’s Jo March

Finding Time

Geochronologists establish precise dates for events that occurred eons ago

Dangerous Ground

When confronting matters of race, some boundaries are more easily breached than others

Present Tense

Even in this interminable drugstore line, my daughter’s last summer before college is slipping by far too quickly


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