E Pluribus Unum

A conversation about words

Letter From Mumbai: Intolerance

An open letter to India’s Prime Minister from a persecuted writer

Four Poems

Adventures of the Double-Headed Girl, The Girl with Antlers, Thou Shalt Not, Monogamy

Sound and Fury

The flawed, tragic hero whose music defined an age

Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph By Jan Swafford

Taken by Storm

Instant Gratification

As the economy gets ever better at satisfying our immediate, self-serving needs, who is minding the future?


The Big Uneasy

A city’s seamy side

Empire of Sin By Gary Krist

Solar Complexus

We may be alone after all

The Copernicus Complex By Caleb Scharf

Carnival of the Animals

The Italian artist Carpaccio cast a careful, loving eye on his many nonhuman subjects

A Tale of War and Forgetting

Rescuing the memory of a cataclysm

Boy Wonder

Remembering Lorin Maazel

In the Courtyard

The smell of jasmine and the murmur of family life in prewar Damascus

The Way of the World


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