Mapping a Hard Place

I Think, Therefore …

How much can we really know about the mystery of ourselves?

The Tides of the Mindby David Gelernter / On Being Human by Jerome Kagan

The Sound of Silence

Jean Sibelius and the symphony that never was

The Remains of My Days

Fond and fading memories of a robust literary life

As the Bard Turns

The international appeal of the man from Stratford-upon-Avon

Worlds Elsewhere: Journeys Around Shakespeare’s Globe By Andrew Dickson

Under the Influence

Prohibition may have failed, but the abolition of drunk driving seems within reach

Off to See the Wizard

Finding the virtues of Homer, Plato, and Jesus in Technicolor Oz

The Fruit of the Real

On the Russian dolls nested in the poems of Maureen N. McLane

Meditation on a Rat

Who would have thought that this unlikely creature could help make a family whole again?

Under the Lid

Amid the the terrors of Pinochet’s Chile, a scornful witch exacts her haunting revenge

Common Sense

It’s time for police officers to start demanding gun laws that could end up saving their own lives

Hunger Pangs

What it means to want in a world of plenty

Lives of the Philosophers

The postwar thinkers who stripped the world of preconceptions

At the Existentialist Café By Sarah Bakewell

Saving the Self in the Age of the Selfie

We must learn to humanize digital life as actively as we’ve digitized human life—here’s how

Taking It to the Street

What it’s like to be down and out in America

Ghetto: The Invention of a Place, the History of an IdeaBy Mitchell Duneier / Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City By Matthew Desmond

All Fall Down

Tackling America’s aging infrastructure problem

A New Heaven and a New Earth

During the Spanish Civil War, an alternative vision of society briefly flourished in Barcelona

All the World’s a Page

Crowdsourcing the Bard at the Folger Shakespeare Library

The Pursuit of Middle Heaven

Missives about sex, love, and the value of really good talk

Living on Paper: Letters from Iris Murdoch, 1934–1995 Edited by Avril Horner and Anne Rowe

I Will Love You in the Summertime

Between the rupture of life and the rapture of language lies a world of awe and witness


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