The Forgotten Churchill

The man who stared down Hitler also helped create the modern welfare state

A Survey and an Assertion

Twelve potted philosophers and a theory of human values

Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche By James Miller

Plucked from the Grave

The first female missionary to cross the Continental Divide came to a gruesome end partly caused by her own zeal. What can we learn from her?

Two Poems


A Speck of Showmanship

Is that Pulix irritans pulling that carriage, or is someone just pulling our leg?

Virgin Summer

Beyond Nerves

Three women who helped engender modern psychiatry

Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century Paris By Asti Hustvedt

An Opportunity

Feminism, Plus 50

Ardent Spirit, Generous Friend

Remembering the novelist Reynolds Price

The Inside Track

How those dim-witted robber barons built the railroads

Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America By Richard White

Full Bloom

A critic offers his final thoughts

The Anatomy of Influence: Literature as a Way of Life By Harold Bloom


Flacking for Big Pharma

Drugmakers don’t just compromise doctors; they also undermine top medical journals and skew medical research

Frozen Assets

A gritty tale of a grim landscape

The Magnetic North: Notes from the Arctic Circle By Sara Wheeler

Making Sparks Fly

How occupational education can lead to a love of learning for its own sake


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