Master Masticator

Small Steps, Giant Leaps

Lunching on Olympus

My meals with W. H. Auden, E. M. Forster, Philip Larkin, and William Empson

Between Two Worlds: Rosanna Warren

Putting Man Before Descartes

Human knowledge is personal and participant—placing us at the center of the universe

The Future of the American Frontier

Can one of our most enduring national myths, much in evidence in the recent presidential campaign, be reinvented yet again?

Affirmative Action and After

Now is the time to reconsider a policy that must eventually change. But simply replacing race with class isn’t the solution.

Spies Among Us

Military snooping on civilians, which escalated in the turbulent ’60s, never entirely went away and is back again on a much larger scale

A Country for Old Men

Having reached the shores of seniority himself, the author finds a surprising contentment in the eyes of his fellow retirees

Two Cents


Censorship in France

‘HD 11964 d’ by Any Other Name

What to call the planets we find beyond our solar system?

Dubai: Globalization on Steroids

Response to Our Autumn Issue

Cauldron Bubble

Macbeth minus its supernatural elements could not have mattered so much to Lincoln and Dr. Johnson—and should not matter to us

Four Poems

Nessus at Noon

Collateral Damage

The Civil War only enhanced George Whitman’s soldierly satisfaction; for his brother Walt, however, the horrors halted an outpouring of great poetry

My Bright Abyss

I never felt the pain of unbelief until I believed. But belief itself is hardly painless.


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