“Naturally, we feared that some form of retribution would be waiting for us, but to our relief we didn’t see Daddy Perry again until suppertime.”
By Dennis McFarland Tuesday, June 2, 2020
We couldn’t advertise our grief, lest, years from now, friends and family would watch us sideways, waiting for an explosion from the bomb that never went off.
By David James Poissant Monday, March 2, 2020
“It was enough that I was there, mutely listening as he recited his sorrowful dreams, or spooled out what he called his misgivings, his guilts, his remorse.”
By Cynthia Ozick Tuesday, September 3, 2019
The Third Obituary of Anton Popov
Two women, one reporter, and an opera that shall not be named
By Jessica Walker Monday, March 4, 2019
I Live for the Night
How to lose your drums and get them back
By Ralph Lombreglia Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Fit the Description
A famous photojournalist crashes a lunch date; hijinks ensue
By Jack Pendarvis Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit
“There was the rabbit lying in the middle of the road, legs limp but twitching before its head sagged and went still.”