Looking Ahead

And saying goodbye

First Snow

Early delights of the season

Heading to Nanwalek

And hoping for a smooth approach

Election Day

The more things change?

Playing at Survival

Learning to forage, 4,000 miles from here


Evergreens gone brown

Closing Up and Putting Away

The summer is gone; so too are the crowds

Thinking Locally

If you dream it, you can do it

A Good Day Fishing

From the bountiful bay

And Now It’s Fall

The warmth was all too fleeting

Through Rain, Wind, and Ice

The changing face of winter

Out of the Darkness

An Alaskan Holiday

Reality TV Hits Home

It’s not all wild salmon and moose

Food Security

Beyond necessity lie culture and community

Giving Thanks

Notes from the North


Part One

Memo from the Beach Behind the Hockey Rink

Things seen and noted

Of Bikes and Bears

Stepping out into one’s surroundings with caution

Burn the Darkness, Burn the Loss

At a bonfire on the beach

Visiting Day in Salmon School

Customs of a country


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