A lifeguard chair on a beach at sunset

September: A Sonnet

A picture of a ferris wheel

August: A Sonnet

Close-up photograph of a glass of lemonade

July: A Sonnet

Pink daisies facing the sunset

June: A Sonnet

Close-up photograph of dandelions, with storm clouds in the background

May: A Sonnet

April: A Sonnet

March: A Sonnet

February: A Sonnet

January: A Sonnet

December: A Sonnet

A lifeguard chair on a beach at sunset

September: A Sonnet

A picture of a ferris wheel

August: A Sonnet

Close-up photograph of a glass of lemonade

July: A Sonnet

Pink daisies facing the sunset

June: A Sonnet

Close-up photograph of dandelions, with storm clouds in the background

May: A Sonnet

April: A Sonnet

March: A Sonnet

February: A Sonnet

January: A Sonnet

December: A Sonnet


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