People ride e-scooters through a Parisian plaza

Scootering Around Town

The automobile’s appeal is in decline thanks to the proliferation of alternatives

Disconnection in a Connected Age

On the mixed blessing of technological advancement

A Life Off-track

A talented historian’s tragic end

Family Matters

Closing my distance from a distant relation

Of Poverty and Plenty

California’s homelessness crisis is a moral stain

Taking the Blame

Should all white Australians be implicated in the actions of one?

Permanently Shelved

Why collect more books that you can ever read?

No Place Like …

Finding happiness in small spaces

The Bitter Truth

A culture exemplified by an over-sweet cuppa joe

Double Lives

What is truth in an un-heroic age?

Up in the Air

The majesty of New York City still mystifies

You Must Be Joking

A comic book, a movie, politics, and race

Language Unbound

How the words we use influence how we think

On the Turning Away

Our tendency to ignore human suffering

License to Chill

Life slows down when you can’t drive

Existential Split

On feeling the pull of home

A laptop sits open on a rustic wooden table next to a coffee and an evocative travel photograph

Too Much of a Good Thing

Relief at the end of summer vacation

Priceless Moments

How having children focuses a writer’s mind

Life on a Razor’s Edge

The hidden joys of shaving

Vicarious Pleasure

The joy of seeing a friend succeed


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