André Aciman

André Aciman is the author of numerous books, including Call Me by Your Name, Out of Egypt, Enigma Variations, Alibis, and, most recently, Find Me. The editor of  The Proust Project, he is distinguished professor of comparative literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Adrift in Sunlit Night

When searching St. Petersburg for the shadows of Dostoyevsky, Gogol, and Pushkin, the best strategy may simply be to get lost

By André Aciman | Tuesday June 2, 2020

The Life Unlived

On W. G. Sebald and the uncertainties of time

By André Aciman | Monday December 5, 2016

The Phaedra Syndrome

Desire, denial, and the making of compelling TV

By André Aciman | Monday December 7, 2015

Eric Rohmer and Me

What a classic film from the French new wave taught me about the illusions of my youth

By André Aciman | Friday December 6, 2013


Revisiting the gritty Roman neighborhood of his youth, a writer discovers a world of his own invention

By André Aciman | Sunday June 1, 2008

Adrift in Sunlit Night

By André Aciman | Tuesday June 2, 2020

The Life Unlived

By André Aciman | Monday December 5, 2016

The Phaedra Syndrome

By André Aciman | Monday December 7, 2015

Eric Rohmer and Me

By André Aciman | Friday December 6, 2013


By André Aciman | Sunday June 1, 2008


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