Anka Muhlstein

Anka Muhlstein is a French writer living in New York. Her most recent books are Monsieur Proust's Library and The Pen and the Brush. She was awarded the Prix Goncourt for her biography of Astolphe de Custine.

The People’s Gallery

A collection that is the brightest light in a city full of them

By Anka Muhlstein | Tuesday June 2, 2020

Glamour and Violence

A group portrait of the brutal Belle Époque

By Anka Muhlstein | Monday March 2, 2020
Etching of 1857 Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester

The Great Convergence

How continental art and literature went global

By Anka Muhlstein | Tuesday September 3, 2019

Honoré de Balzac’s The Unknown Masterpiece

Anticipating the birth of modern art

By Anka Muhlstein | Monday September 14, 2015

Proust Imperfect

The Englishman who interpreted France’s greatest novel

By Anka Muhlstein | Wednesday March 4, 2015

The People’s Gallery

By Anka Muhlstein | Tuesday June 2, 2020

Glamour and Violence

By Anka Muhlstein | Monday March 2, 2020
Etching of 1857 Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester

The Great Convergence

By Anka Muhlstein | Tuesday September 3, 2019

Proust Imperfect

By Anka Muhlstein | Wednesday March 4, 2015


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