Douglas L. Wilson

Douglas L. Wilson is professor emeritus of English and co-director of the Lincoln Studies Center at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. His most recent book is Lincoln’s Sword: The Presidency and the Power of Words.

A Book to Remember

By Douglas L. Wilson | Monday January 26, 2015

His Hour Upon the Stage

As a lifelong reader of Shakespeare’s plays, Lincoln had reservations about how they were presented

By Douglas L. Wilson | Wednesday November 30, 2011

Lincoln the Persuader

Seeking to get people behind his policies, he made himself the best writer for all our presidents

By Douglas L. Wilson | Friday September 1, 2006

A Book to Remember

By Douglas L. Wilson | Monday January 26, 2015

His Hour Upon the Stage

By Douglas L. Wilson | Wednesday November 30, 2011

Lincoln the Persuader

By Douglas L. Wilson | Friday September 1, 2006


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