Janna Malamud Smith

Janna Malamud Smith  is a writer and psychotherapist and the author of Private Matters: In Defense of the Personal Life; A Potent Spell; My Father Is a Book: A Memoir of Bernard Malamud; and An Absorbing Errand: How Artists and Craftsmen Make Their Way to Mastery. Her essay in the Spring 2008 SCHOLAR, "Shipwrecked," was published in Best American Essays 2009.

The Scar on the Hand

Writers and the early loss of parents

By Janna Malamud Smith | Thursday April 28, 2022

An Italian Tragedy

Discovering a World War II tale that mesmerizes, then horrifies

By Janna Malamud Smith | Wednesday March 2, 2011


Like Robinson Crusoe after the storm, a daughter salvages what she can after her mother’s death

By Janna Malamud Smith | Saturday March 1, 2008

The Scar on the Hand

By Janna Malamud Smith | Thursday April 28, 2022

An Italian Tragedy

By Janna Malamud Smith | Wednesday March 2, 2011


By Janna Malamud Smith | Saturday March 1, 2008


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