The Embattled First Amendment

The Supreme Court is interpreting free speech in new ways that threaten our democracy

Above and Beyond

Doomed to Re-Tweet It

Hearts With One Purpose

A revealing group portrait of Ireland’s motley crew of rebels

Vivid Faces: The Revolutionary Generation in Ireland, 1890–1923 By R. F. Foster

A Terrible Loss

Lincoln’s assassination 150 years ago turned plans for postwar reconciliation to a frenzy of violence

A Taste for Higher Math

The numbers that count

How to Bake π: An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics By Eugenia Cheng

Whither American Culture?

Kill the Creature

In search of snakes—and the balm of charity and love in a world of infinitely lonely space

Cooking Up Trouble in the Heartland

Great Escape

On Normandy’s coast a century ago, Claude Debussy fled the war and composed his final piano masterpiece


Zip It

Reflections on Alexis de Tocqueville

What is the place of the artist in a democratic society?


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