Istanbul: Hot Days in the Park

Vienna: Selective Amnesia

Madrid: Dignity and Indignation

Letter from Afghanistan: A Gathering Menace

Traveling with U.S. troops gives insights into the recent massacre

Sydney: A City Beyond Savings

A letter from Sydney, Australia

Leipzig: Community in Concrete

Grünau’s social life sprang from a muddy wasteland as families tried to turn buildings into homes and neighbors into friends

Mumbai: A Nation Betrayed, A People Forsaken

An existential crisis

Naples: Living in Limbo

People in Cicciano were accustomed to gathering in the town square, strolling the streets, visiting one another for a cup of coffee.

The Sierra Nevada: Wildfires in the Wilderness

Fire in California has a split personality

New Orleans: Vanishing Graves

Holt Cemetery has been filled to capacity many times over; each gravesite has been used for dozens of burials

London: A Testament to Survival

England is a lesson on the longevity of our planet, the tenacity of our species, and our need, as human beings, to connect.

Western Sahara: A Fragile Peace

As an unofficial state, Western Sahara doesn’t really exist—and being tiny and well behaved, it is easy to ignore.

Shea: An Alaskan husky named Laban

The Barents Sea: Land of Perpetual Night

As we traveled northward, the twilight diminished, the sky grew darker, until finally our ship crossed into polar night

Parade in Ukraine

Kiev: New Leader, Old Troubles

Dysfunction still prevails in Ukraine, especially in the war-torn east; for the rest of the country, the challenges are financial.


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