Knut Hamsun’s Pan

A throbbing world of sensation and heartbreak

The Best of Gregory Clark

The art of making memory

Henry Beston’s The Outermost House

A parallel world of unknown sensation

John le Carré’s The Spy Who Came in From the Cold

A literary classic as thrilling as any airport paperback

Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace

A huge, cinematic narrative

George Eliot’s Middlemarch

A liberal education in itself

John Steinbeck’s East of Eden

Literary elegance and a sense of place

Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian

A sour vision of beauty and violence

Isaac Babel’s Red Cavalry

A perfect alchemy of language and experience

Richard Hugo’s 31 Letters and 13 Dreams

Missives about real places and authentic people

Richard Ford’s The Sportswriter

Universal truths drawn from a single life

Willa Cather’s My Àntonia

The perfect marriage of voice and landscape

Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway

A panoramic view of London after the Great War

Frances Ruth Keller’s The Contented Little Pussy Cat

A book that respects the intelligence of children

Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain

The vitality of big ideas

Herman Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game

The difference between scholarship and wisdom

W.G. Sebald’s The Emigrants

Anything is possible

José Saramago’s Death With Interruptions

What happens when the end doesn’t come?

J. M. Coetzee’s The Master of Petersburg

The sinister truths of our souls

Charles and Mary Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare

Sophisticated and never condescending


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