The Writer Who Taught

Remembering William Zinsser

Remembering Robert Stone

The novelist possessed his characters, and was possessed by them

Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie

Sirte and Misrata, Libya’s Last Battle

A journalist remembers her days in Libya with James Foley

Return to Madrid

The stubborn genius of hope

Man of Faith—and Doubt

Hugh Nissenson should have been better known for his spare historical novels

Readdressing Gettysburg

What would Lincoln say today?

Happy Birthday, Stranger

Celebrating Albert Camus on his centennial

The Ultimate Burden

Is it even possible for universities to do what the Supreme Court asks?

A Good Soldier Gone Bad

Demanding answers from a war criminal

The Resistance Fighter as Philosopher

Remembering Vladimir Jankélévitch

The Diagnostician of Despair

Why Rousseau believed that Enlightenment values would lead us to ruin

On Book

August Wilson’s play just hit the big screen, but even greater rewards await on the page

The Baritone as Democrat

How Lawrence Tibbett prophesied the Metropolitan Opera crisis of today

My Cousin Manya

One survivor’s story

Writer on Board

The cruise story from Twain to Shteyngart

Nights at the Opera

Long before he wrote his masterly novels, Stendhal was transformed by the power of music

A Terrifying Delight

Following Robert Frost into the depths

Consummated in Exile

A new recording of Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances conveys the breadth of the 20th-century composer’s life’s journey

The Importance of Being Different

A travel writer’s education


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