My Guidebook to Japan

Lessons from Thoreau learned in a distant land

Facing Death at the Ends of the Earth

The discovery of the world’s oldest rock offers a hefty dose of perspective

Still Audacious

Dante’s Divine Comedy at age 700

To Dance an Exclamation Point

The case for An American in Paris as Gene Kelly’s best

“What’s My Name?”

Ken Burns’s new documentary examines the enduring power of Muhammad Ali

A Desperate Escape

The events in Kabul recall terrible scenes in The Aeneid

An Open Debate

Might Novak Djokovic, despite his loss this weekend, be the greatest tennis player of all time?

Taking the Long View

Remembering the terror of a pleasant, late-summer morning

Blue Skies

Memories of a September morning

For Every Season, a Classic Holiday Movie

Three films fit for fall

The Diagnostician of Despair

Why Rousseau believed that Enlightenment values would lead us to ruin

On Book

August Wilson’s play just hit the big screen, but even greater rewards await on the page

The Baritone as Democrat

How Lawrence Tibbett prophesied the Metropolitan Opera crisis of today

My Cousin Manya

One survivor’s story

Writer on Board

The cruise story from Twain to Shteyngart

Nights at the Opera

Long before he wrote his masterly novels, Stendhal was transformed by the power of music

A Terrifying Delight

Following Robert Frost into the depths

Consummated in Exile

A new recording of Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances conveys the breadth of the 20th-century composer’s life’s journey

The Importance of Being Different

A travel writer’s education

Stereotypes and the City

 What to make of HBO’s attempts to diversify an iconic show?


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