The Evidence in the (Book) Case

The books that reside on a writer’s nightstand can speak volumes indeed

When the Mind Wanders, the Eyes Stay the Course

Try not to zone out while you read this post

Remembering Steve

A tribute to my friend Stephen Jay Gould

Why I Hate the College Application Essay

Should bragging be a prerequisite for college?

This Just In

  A recent article in The New York Times proclaimed the gladsome tidings. “New support…

Musical Chairs

Pilloried Prepositions

Waste Not

There’s Rosemary for Remembrance

Chumps at Oxford

Above the River of Your Longing

Two new prompts

Casa Gorín

“The Purse-Seine” by Robinson Jeffers

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Island Royalty

A new biography of a Caribbean revolutionary

The First and Last King of Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Henry Christopheby Marlene L. Daut

The Writer in the Family

The fiction of E. L. Doctorow gave a young man hope of connecting his father and his literary hero

Birthday Boy

“The Horses” by Ted Hughes

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Amy Wetsch

Life, magnified

The Weight of a Stone

Searching for stability in an erratic world led Oliver Sacks and other writers to the realms of geology

New Year, Old Year


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