The Third Obituary of Anton Popov

Two women, one reporter, and an opera that shall not be named


I Live for the Night

How to lose your drums and get them back

Fit the Description

A famous photojournalist crashes a lunch date; hijinks ensue

Normal Life

The Island


“Some things you could make happen, but life was made up mostly of things that happened to you, and even that didn’t account for the way fractured lives somehow held together.”

We Run

“Where did we think we were going?”

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

What Do You Want to Know For?



The Dawn

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit

“There was the rabbit lying in the middle of the road, legs limp but twitching before its head sagged and went still.”

One Look Back

“Now, after days of asking, she and her mother were finally minutes away from the cabin.”


“I got a collar for the boy, a nice leather number with steel studs that made him look a touch mean and inspired me to get myself a steel-studded camera harness, and off we’d walk, miles a day between jobs.”

Under Covers

“This is the story Lulu told me when I was little, since before my mom died. There’s a man. He’s very sick. … When girls misbehave, when they don’t do as they’re told, that man comes and takes them.”

The Purchased Bride


“He averted his eyes and remembered something a yoga teacher had often told him, that when you thought people were laughing at you, they were only laughing near you.”


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