His Subtle Speech

A gentle nudge at the fork of the road

Boxing Out

A Note

The Spitter

Spare the frogs but not the scorpions

The Island

Where I’m from

The Eloquent Silence of It

Sometimes you don’t need to fill the gaps

His Listening

A celebration of a rare and extraordinary thing

The Bulletin Board of Your Head

Who has a ponytail at 70?


The way she flowed into that bus


In praise of the One O’Clock Fox

Friday Morning Pop Quiz

(There will be no extra credit)

The Eleventh

In memoriam


Our language was banter


An ode for the end of a season

John Wayne

A Note


When you want to be what you’re not

A Mohawk in the House

Memories of a pretty good day

O Canada

A celebration of our cousins to the north

Where the Blue Begins

The joy of falling into books

The Barbershop

A fixture beneath the tracks

A Possible Infinity of Novels

Life lessons of a newspaperman


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