Tennis, Anyone?

Obsession and regression

Memories of Jazz Nights

You needed stamina, but the payoff was great

Valentines Past

If only I’d had the nerve …

On the Death of Friendship

Nothing lasts forever

On Keeping a Blog

A Farewell

A Visit to Harvard

And a surprise encounter with Dr. Johnson

Remembering Cynthia Macdonald

Poet, teacher, opera singer, psychoanalyst, and friend

Marrying a Widow

Or, my spectral predecessor

Baldwin the Prophet vs. Baldwin the Writer

Can a film really capture the essence of both?

Listening to Dinah

The complexity of “Don’t Explain”

The New York Film Festival

A report

The Workmen

Keeping the faith

The Roads Not Taken

I coulda been a contender—as a cantor

What Our Politicians Can’t Bring Themselves to Say

(And why the personal essay might help)

The Martyrdom Prayers

Enigmas and mysteries

“Give Me a Place”

On Montaigne and Judaism

On the Death of Friendship

Nothing lasts forever

Holding On to the Banister

The art of being cautious

September Song

And so a new year begins

Tennis, Anyone?

Obsession and regression


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