Sydney: A City Beyond Savings

A letter from Sydney, Australia

Leipzig: Community in Concrete

Grünau’s social life sprang from a muddy wasteland as families tried to turn buildings into homes and neighbors into friends

Mumbai: A Nation Betrayed, A People Forsaken

An existential crisis

Naples: Living in Limbo

People in Cicciano were accustomed to gathering in the town square, strolling the streets, visiting one another for a cup of coffee.

The Sierra Nevada: Wildfires in the Wilderness

Fire in California has a split personality

New Orleans: Vanishing Graves

Holt Cemetery has been filled to capacity many times over; each gravesite has been used for dozens of burials

London: A Testament to Survival

England is a lesson on the longevity of our planet, the tenacity of our species, and our need, as human beings, to connect.

Western Sahara: A Fragile Peace

As an unofficial state, Western Sahara doesn’t really exist—and being tiny and well behaved, it is easy to ignore.

Shea: An Alaskan husky named Laban

The Barents Sea: Land of Perpetual Night

As we traveled northward, the twilight diminished, the sky grew darker, until finally our ship crossed into polar night

Parade in Ukraine

Kiev: New Leader, Old Troubles

Dysfunction still prevails in Ukraine, especially in the war-torn east; for the rest of the country, the challenges are financial.

Paris: A Twombly Ceiling

Dubai: Globalization on Steroids

Burma: Captives of the Junta

Antarctica: Cold Comfort

The National Science Foundation funds dozens of projects in Antarctica to study the effects of climate change. As U.S. government agencies are stripped of their funding and autonomy, read this piece to remind yourself of the importance of scientific research.

Oaxaca: No End in Sight

Vienna: Trapped in a Golden Age

Caracas: Living Large on Oil

Istanbul: The Group


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