Five Poems

Getting In, Daylilies, Funeral of a Bumblebee, Song for Jacqueline, and Little Iliad

Negative Space

Philip Larkin was middle aged at birth
and came into his post-imperial world
dressed in spectacles and quiet clothing. …

The Fantastical Real

Winter Recipes from the Collective

The Gathering Storm


A lifeguard chair on a beach at sunset

September: A Sonnet

A picture of a ferris wheel

August: A Sonnet

Close-up photograph of a glass of lemonade

July: A Sonnet

Between Memory and Hope

The love poetry of Anthony Walton

Five Poems

The Art of Tuning In

Celebrating 20 years of poetry in the Scholar

Eight Poems

The Art of Falling

The force of gravity in the lyrics of Andrew Motion

From: “Gravity Archives”

Three Poems

Florida Baroque

The tropical verse of Ange Mlinko

Ollie Ollie Oxen Free

Shades of grief in the verse of Catherine Barnett

Five Poems

“Where but to think is to be full of sorrow,” “Unoccupied Time,” “Still Life,” “How to Prepare,” “Ars Poetica”


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