Kiki or Bouba?

A short test with a complicated answer key

My Feeling for 11 Is Almost One of Pity

A new study argues that some synesthetic associations may be learned

The Allure of the Intuitive

What happens when we no longer understand our own minds?

The Allure of the Counterintuitive

It’s not enough for social science to inform: it must surprise

Dr. Doolittle Calling

Do nonhuman animals have grammar?

Ye Olde Blogge Postte

An ironic phrase with an ironic past

Aquatic Cognition

Small aquatic creatures learn (and forget) to live another day

Of Mutant Mice—and Men

What can rodents tell us about language learning?

What Your Child Watches When She Watches TV

2-D learning about a 3-D world

Demons Where Once There Were None

Exploring the darker powers of suggestion

Magic Fingers

Do baby sign language courses really work?

What Makes Hemingway Hemingway?

On the psychology of artistic style

On Expecting Things to Fall Apart

We understand entropy surprisingly early in life

Limericks That Leave You Hanging

When we expect to hear a rhyme and don’t

Tuesdays with Siri

How to Talk Shakespeare

Headless Bear Walks Up to Woman; Awesomeness Ensues

The search for the perfect title

When Nouns Verb Oddly

Verb meanings are slipperier than noun meanings

Are Our Screams, Sighs, and Giggles Universal?

Two studies suggest yes and no

Don’t Mock the Monocle (A Webcomic)

On our unspoken preferences for ordering adjectives


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