Four Poems

Rock in the Road

“A Song” by Joseph Brodsky

Poems read aloud, beautifully

A World Weird and Wondrous

A classical music star offers a peek behind the curtain

The Impossible Art: Adventures in Opera by Matthew Aucoin

Deb Sokolow

Usurping Utopia

Sex and Secrets

Rare is the Hitchcock film that celebrates desire without disaster

Paleolithic Passions

Charles Foster attempts to live—and think—as humans did 40,000 years ago

If You Can’t See the Stage, Turn to the Page

With theaters shut during the pandemic, reading plays has shed surprising light on works both familiar and strange

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Something New in the West

Kurt Beals on translating All Quiet on the Western Front

The Resistance Fighter as Philosopher

Remembering Vladimir Jankélévitch

Winter Sun

“The Vow” by Yuliya Musakovska

Poems read aloud, beautifully

Lindsey Weber

Relationships that define us

“Muse Circe Reclaims Her Lucre”

Five new prompts

In the Endless Arctic Light

A journey to the far north of Norway means confronting our changing climate

The Bears

“Faustina, or, Rock Roses” by Elizabeth Bishop

Poems read aloud, beautifully


David Levering Lewis digs into his own origin story


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