Skeletons in the Closet

Six literary haunted houses to visit this October

The Case for Empathy

Walk a mile in someone else’s words

Six Westerns that Set Their Sights Beyond the Horizon

Going past gunslingers

Black-and-white photo of the "Running Wild" scene from Some Like it Hot. Cast members, including Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, and Marilyn Monroe, play various instruments in the photo.

Great Movie Music

Fifteen examples that avoid the usual suspects

A fisherman stands holding an oar on a narrow wooden raft, floating in a calm sea, sunlight breaking through clouds in the distance.

Take Me Away From Here

Nine books to transport you to other lands as you face the growing number of days at home

Life and Death Entertainments

10 Underappreciated Classic Mysteries

Six Books for Earth Day

These underrated nature writers bring the great outdoors to your living room

Five Great Irish Films

A list of classic Irish movies not made by John Ford

Ten Tales of Migrations, Long and Short

From haiku to epic, these works span space and time

The Long 20th Century of Terror

A history in ten books

A List for Reading Dangerously

Ten tales of riveting adventure

Leaving Home

Ten books about exile and displacement

A Secretary’s Nightstand

Eleven books to read in retirement (or whenever)

Ten Tales from China

From the 7th-century Tang Dynasty to the Beijing Olympics

Thirteen for Halloween

Or, how one book critic thinks he can out-spook the Scholar

List, List, O List!

A Response to David Handlin’s “One Hundred Best American Novels”

One Hundred Best American Novels, 1770 to 1985 (a Draft)

A reading enthusiast’s list

Favorite Science Books

These classic titles are worth a read


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