This week, we talk to Cullen Murphy, the son of cartoonist John Cullen Murphy, about growing up during the funnies’ midcentury heyday. Cartoon County is part memoir, part history of the giants of the comics world, who drew Superman, Beetle Bailey, Hägar the Horrible, The Wizard of Id … and a bevy of strips and gags read by millions of Americans.
Go beyond the episode:
- Cartoon County by Cullen Murphy
- Read the strips online: Prince Valiant, Hägar the Horrible, Beetle Bailey …
- Learn more about Fairfield County in Cullen’s essay in Vanity Fair
Polaroid photographs of John Cullen Murphy, posing for scenes he would draw in Big Ben Bolt or Prince Valiant (courtesy Cullen Murphy and FSG)
Tune in every two weeks to catch interviews with the liveliest voices from literature, the arts, sciences, history, and public affairs; reports on cutting-edge works in progress; long-form narratives; and compelling excerpts from new books. Hosted by Stephanie Bastek.
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Our theme music was composed by Nathan Prillaman.