Who Would I Be Off My Meds

Can weaning oneself off pharmaceuticals ease the cycle of perpetual suffering?

Unshrunk: A Story of Psychiatric Treatment Resistance by Laura Delano

Who’s to Say?

A bewildering take from a noted scholar of Christianity

Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus by Elaine Pagels

Chapters and Verse

Looking for the poet between the lines

Love and Need: The Life of Robert Frost’s Poetry by Adam Plunkett

Once More, Without Feeling

Can a memoir be effective when it lacks any warmth?

Children of Radium: A Buried Inheritance by Joe Dunthorne

Electrons That Bind

The molecule at the center of everything

Carbon: The Book of Life by Paul Hawken

Food for Thought

A pragmatic approach to one of humanity’s gravest threats

How to Feed the World: The History and Future of Food by Vaclav Smil

Splitting Our Sides

A new biography of a comedy pioneer

Lorne: The Man Who Invented Saturday Night Live by Susan Morrison

In the Lions’ Studio

A new dual biography turns the lens on the towering architects of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg: The Whole Equation by Kenneth Turan

All Talk

Ease of communication will not save us

Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart by Nicholas Carr

Old Christ Church in Alexandria. Virginia, attended by General Robert E. Lee in his youth and pictured here in 1911 (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/Wikimedia Commons)

Divided Providence

Faith’s pivotal role in the outcome of the Civil War

Righteous Strife: How Warring Religious Nationalists Forged Lincoln’s Union by Richard Carwardine

Leningraders, summer 1942

The Worst of Times

A Soviet city barely survives

Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War II, 1941–1944 By Anna Reid

John Brown’s Folly

The mythology of a madman

Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War By Tony Horwitz

Power Crazy

Do lunatics make better leaders?

A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness By Nassir Ghaemi

From Eternity to Here

Dante in Love By A. N. Wilson

The Inside Track

How those dim-witted robber barons built the railroads

Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America By Richard White

Full Bloom

A critic offers his final thoughts

The Anatomy of Influence: Literature as a Way of Life By Harold Bloom

Frozen Assets

A gritty tale of a grim landscape

The Magnetic North: Notes from the Arctic Circle By Sara Wheeler

Deep Trouble

How a natural disaster barreled into a historical one

Camille, 1969: Histories of a Hurricane By Mark M. Smith

Deep Trouble

We should be more afraid for sharks than of them

Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks By Juliet Eilperin


Is the search for truth compatible with the fight for justice?

Witness to an Extreme Century: A Memoir By Robert Jay Lifton


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