Magic Fingers

Do baby sign language courses really work?

What Makes Hemingway Hemingway?

On the psychology of artistic style

On Expecting Things to Fall Apart

We understand entropy surprisingly early in life

Limericks That Leave You Hanging

When we expect to hear a rhyme and don’t

Tuesdays with Siri

How to Talk Shakespeare

Headless Bear Walks Up to Woman; Awesomeness Ensues

The search for the perfect title

When Nouns Verb Oddly

Verb meanings are slipperier than noun meanings

Are Our Screams, Sighs, and Giggles Universal?

Two studies suggest yes and no

Don’t Mock the Monocle (A Webcomic)

On our unspoken preferences for ordering adjectives

Friends Don’t Let Friends Listen and Drive

Is it dangerous to drive under the influence of … language?

No English, No Career?

The new lingua franca of science

A Mind to Navigate

An evolutionary story for a visional illusion

N. K. Y. S. A.

(Nobody knows your stupid acronym)

Where’s the “The”?

Do babies mistake function words for object labels?

Magic Fingers

Do baby sign language courses really work?

Time Traveling Through a Sentence

To understand language we relive the past and predict the future


Behind the distorted text that decides: human or not?

The Internet Remembers

Sometimes entire populations behave a lot like individuals

Hardwired for Talk?

There’s a problem: languages change really fast


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